Full Project Management
One call does it all
I have received several requests for a complete "no nonsense" vineyard establishment service. At present a lot of vineyards are established using a plethora of product suppliers and contractors and from my experiences to date, limited cohesion between service providers and/or issues with vineyard hardware component compatibility.Therefore resulting in irreversible preparation sequence failures, or slightly bodged trellising etc.
The establishment starts with your idea of a vineyard,on this note,if your chosen site is not suitable for your plan we will advise you; correct site choice and soil preparation is critical to success. Too often soil preparation has been left to the last minute,or access to cold storage facilties for vines is not properly thought out .
Our in-house team offer a unique spectrum of backgrounds; essential for the wide range of specialist knowledge required for a properly constructed profitable vineyard.We also manufacture our own trellising system in England from British Steel and with our trained installation team offer a comprehensive service.
We know that regular updates of progress are essential for your peace of mind whilst constructing your vineyard .
Please call our office to discuss your requirements 01245 476994 or email me at info@vineyardsolutions.co.uk
To achieve a healthy, good yielding vineyard,without wasting money on errors all the following criteria need to have been addressed:
Correct site choice,soil analysis and correct rectification for compatibility with viticulture. Wind break construction where required with margins.
Properly prepared soil, tasks and applications scheduled correctly prior to planting
Correct vine clone choice and varieties to suit soil type, climate, micro climate and finished product requirements
Cold store organising for vines at point of planting.Vine planting without J rooting failures; through rushed operation or incorrect machine adjustment.
Irrigation to hand of newly planted vines.
Designing row length and headland spacing for best machinery navigation to avoid future headaches.
Choosing strong durable trellising materials to suit our climate that keep maintenance costs to a minimum.
Procuring machinery prior to planting for on going basic maintenance from day one of establishment.
Organising and preparing sufficient ongoing skilled and unskilled labour to cater for the new project.
Ensuring final preparation power harrowing is preferably carried out in the direction of future planting
to avoid any bump effects when traversing cultivation lines
The list goes on...